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That's NOT your Etsy niche! 7 signs that you HAVEN'T found the right target audience for your shop

target market and niche Mar 14, 2023

Today we are going to be talking about niching, I know you guys really struggle with niching and I've done videos before about how to find your niche. Today we are going to be looking at 7 signs you have NOT found your niche. So I know that a lot of you guys think you have found it but you're not quite sure! I'm going to be giving you 7 signs that you have not found your niche on Etsy. 

1. Different ideas and We Make Them All 

I know that we are creative people and I know that we have lots of different ideas and we just want to make them all, and you just cram them all in, list them all and think I'm going to sell them all. Im going to make socks, Im going to make hats, I'm going to make scarves, I'm going to make jewellery, I'm going to make wallets. You are not making your items for yourself or your loved ones. You are making these for real people who want to buy from you online, your making your items for your customers.

So if you do have lots of ideas and you make them all that is a sign you have not quite nailed down your niche yet. 

BOSS! Do you want to make more sales on Etsy? Then you need to increase your conversion rate! DON'T PANIC! I'm going to explain exactly how to do that in my FREE 90 minute masterclass - The 3 Step System To Skyrocket Your Etsy Conversion Rate πŸ™ŒπŸ»

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2. Gift Shop 

Something I find a lot is when people come to me and say Steph, Im not making sales and I go into their shop and see it described as a gift shop! I love you guys so so much, you multi talented, amazing entrepreneurs, however having a gift shop will be a big sign that you have not quite found your niche yet. As you can see from my videos I do talk about niching a lot, and truly the money is in the niche. So that is another sign that you haven't quite found your niche yet when you have a bit of a mis-match shop and you call it a gift shop. 

3. You Dont Know Your Brand 

If you seen me walking down the street and I said quick, tell me what is your brand shop, what is your brand values, your brand message, what does your brand stand for, tell me? And you can't! That is a big sign that either No.1 you're thinking who this random person saying this to me in the street or No.2  you have not quite nailed your niche down yet. You need to know what your unique selling point is, you need to know what your brand values are, your brand message is, you need to know exactly where you're coming from especially in the online E-Commerce space you need to have a set of brand values and basically your brand as a whole is the biggest asset to your business. So make it good, make sure you have your brand settled. 

4. I've Got An Etsy Shop

You find yourself saying you have an Etsy shop and you're not actually calling your business by its name   and in your mind your thinking, I own an Etsy shop, or I have a little handmade business. It really says a lot when I talk to you guys and I have actually met a few of you in person as well and you say I have got a little shop that does this or I do it on the side. Listen! That says to me that you have not nailed down your niche and you're not showing your business as a big brand, that one day could be dominating your niche.You need to be thinking big! So when you say I've just got an Etsy shop, that to me says ok you have not quite found your swing into things yet, you've not found your groove. 

5. Sales Are Sporadic and For Completely Different Things

So if you have lots of different things in your shop and you get sporadic sales and you sell one thing and then another and I ask you what your best selling products are? And you say, I Dont Know because I sell lots of different things. That is a big sign that you have not yet found your niche. 

6. Your People or Your Customers Are Different Every Single Time 

So when I say go and find your target market, go and have a little investigate, and you come back to me and say, Steph they are all different. I dont understand how am I suppose to find my target audience. That to me is a big sign that to me you have not niched in well enough in order to bring in that specific sub set of people. 

7.  You are Exhausted

You are burnt out, you are juggling all of the different plates with all of the different products that you make and different listings and materials and all of this kind of thing, you are just plain burned out! I really feel that a lot of people out there that are making a lot of different things, are having to order different materials and spend money on there shop and then they dont get many sales and then think what do I need to do, make more!! It is a cycle that keeps happening over and over again and if you're not getting a lot of sales and thinking ok so Im spending all this time, energy and money and nothing is happening. Then definitely run through these tips to see if your niche is the problem. So if you're juggling all the different products, listings and the different things, the chances are you will burn out eventually and give up on your shop. So Instead, specialise and niche into something and become known for that one thing in your market.

I went a step further. I sell minimalistic messaged jewellery, so for me I just focus purely on necklaces, I could have minimalistic messaged jewellery but instead sub niched into necklaces and from this my focus got smaller but my sales got bigger.   


If you'd prefer me to visually teach you this blog post, then you can watch it HERE.

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> If you're ready to increase your conversion rate on Etsy (NEWS FLASH! This is key to increasing your sales!), then check out my FREE 90 minute masterclass - The 3 Step System To Skyrocket Your Etsy Conversion Rate.

> If you plan to launch (or relaunch) an Etsy shop, then Boss, you need a roadmap! I've created one that will ensure your Etsy store is set up to make those sales in no time. Download the '30 Days To A Kick Butt Etsy Shop Launch Plan' here.