
to The Handmade Bosses blog!

The world really needs those special creations that only YOU bring to life. So grab your notebook, and let’s grow your business!

Must Reads

How to change shop categories on Etsy

My favourite 2023 tool to organise my two multi 6-figure businesses

How to BULK edit your Etsy prices on your Listings in 2023 with thi...


Let us know what you are you looking for!

Starting a handmade business

Make more Sales

Maker mindset

Etsy 101 basics


Productivity and time

Target market and niche

Pricing and financials

Get more traffic

Product imagery


Technology to grow your business

Social media and marketing

Customers and reviews

Etsy trends (what you need to know)

Trends have been a real hot topic in the handmade business world for a while now, where we have collectively observed many different waves. 

A trend is an influx of people repeating the same...

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Top 3 Ways to Optimise Your Listings

I wanted to talk to you about the top 3 ways to optimise your Etsy listings. This is looking ahead, as I write this we are well into Q4 so the Christmas orders will be coming in, I know a lot of my...

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Running a handmade stall at a Craft Fair? Top tips to be a HUGE success

Top tips for craft fairs! I go to a lot of craft fairs and I mean a lot and its a very fine line between not interacting at all and being pushy!

I find there is a lot of people who will sit behind...

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That's NOT your Etsy niche! 7 signs that you HAVEN'T found the right target audience for your shop

Today we are going to be talking about niching, I know you guys really struggle with niching and I've done videos before about how to find your niche. Today we are going to be looking at 7 signs...

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Saturated Etsy Niche? Here's How To stand Out In 2023

  Today we are talking about how to get seen on Etsy when you are in a saturated market! 

Before we really get into this, I just want to say that I am probably one of the best people...

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This Is How I Built My 6 Figure Etsy Shop

Today we are going to talk about how I built a 6 figure Etsy shop, including 5 things I have done at the beginning of my handmade business journey to build my shop quicker.

1. Utilise push...

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3 Things You Need To Know About Your Target Audience Today

This is the second part of a 2 part series all about target market. If you haven't read the first part yet, you can do so HERE.


This blog post is all about 3 things that you need to...

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How To Find Your Target Market's Pain Points

This blog post is the first part of a 2 part series all about target market. You can find the second part HERE.

In today's blog post, I'm talking about your target market's pain points. 


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When To Say No To A Craft Fair

I've done my fair share of craft fairs in the past and more often than not, they were a complete waste of my time. This was useful to me and lead me to change everything over to online selling...

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