
to The Handmade Bosses blog!

The world really needs those special creations that only YOU bring to life. So grab your notebook, and let’s grow your business!

Must Reads

How to change shop categories on Etsy

My favourite 2023 tool to organise my two multi 6-figure businesses

How to BULK edit your Etsy prices on your Listings in 2023 with thi...


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Starting a handmade business

Make more Sales

Maker mindset

Etsy 101 basics


Productivity and time

Target market and niche

Pricing and financials

Get more traffic

Product imagery


Technology to grow your business

Social media and marketing

Customers and reviews

☠️ How to resurrect your dead Etsy shop or your own website πŸ’Έ Get more sales in your handmade business πŸ‘

So, first things first I don’t love the term “dead shop” - there’s so many different levels. A dead shop to me is something that hasn’t been up and running for three...

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What is the Etsy algorithm? Algorithm explained to rank higher to get more views and sales

I am beaming today because we have another exciting announcement !!

I'm sure some of you guys might have heard, if you are on Instagram, we are launching a podcast and I'm really happy!!


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Are your Etsy sales slow? Top 3 things to review. How to get more Etsy sales

Are you struggling to get Etsy sales? Are your listings getting little or no views? Do you have a low conversion rate on Etsy?

In this blog I’ll explain why your Etsy sales are a flop and the...

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Etsy ads strategy: For your handmade business that get you more sales

Do you want Etsy Ads that work for you?

I'm sure the answer is yes!  I'm going to be sharing with you my Etsy ads strategy and how I manage my ads, how I recommend that you guys do, how to...

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Etsy trends (what you need to know)

Trends have been a real hot topic in the handmade business world for a while now, where we have collectively observed many different waves. 

A trend is an influx of people repeating the same...

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How to run Etsy Ads

I'm going to be showing you how to turn on Etsy ads and a few little tips and tricks.

How to find Etsy ads?

So to go to Etsy ads, you want to go to the marketing tab and click Etsy ads. It’s...

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4 reasons why your Etsy sales have dropped (and how to fix it)

Why Your Etsy Sales Have Dropped? This is not going to be the wishy washy reasons you may have heard from other people like ‘Your photo’s are bad’ ... we already know...

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Craft the perfect Etsy description that converts to bring in multi 6-figures

Steal my killer Etsy product description breakdown that brought in multi 6-figures. This is the ultimate way to convert warm buyers!

I feel like when we are creating our listing, it is all laid...

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5 things to do when you Audit your Etsy shop to make more sales

I'm walking you through the 5 things to do when you audit and elevate your Etsy shop for more sales and success.

I would say there are 5 main things to look at when going through your shop. If you...

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Handmade Business Q & A

Let's dive into a Q&A on all things Handmade business, I will be directly answering your questions.

What is happening with Etsy pictures, is this a testing phase?

No, it is not a testing...

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