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Etsy SEO - The Biggest Scapegoat

etsy 101 basics starting a handmade business Jun 24, 2022

I'll hold my hands up and say that not too long ago, I was guilty of putting TOO much emphasis on Etsy SEO.

I've been where you are and heavily relied on Etsy SEO, and I've also done the opposite and NOT heavily relied upon it.

And what I've found recently, is that Etsy SEO is the biggest scapegoat in handmade business. And by that I mean that Etsy SEO is being used as an excuse as to why businesses are failing. Hear me out...



There's too much emphasis placed on Etsy SEO and it has become an excuse as to why we cannot be successful on the platform. 

Etsy SEO is not the be all and end all of a successful business. 


I get it though, Etsy SEO is important. There is an element of needing to understand how the algorithm works and how keywords work, but I want you to understand that Etsy SEO is not the only thing you should focus on.

At Handmade Bosses we teach you how to build a legacy business where our businesses are built to withstand algorithm changes & updates.


For example, Etsy's most recent update was that they're going to be crawling descriptions for keywords. None of my students panicked about this, there wasn't a single message in the Facebook group, or in my email inbox.

Why? Well because this is exactly what I've been teaching my students to do for years. Etsy hasn't ever crawled descriptions for keywords, but Google always has. 


BOSS! Do you want to make more sales on Etsy? Then you need to increase your conversion rate! DON'T PANIC! I'm going to explain exactly how to do that in my FREE 90 minute masterclass - The 3 Step System To Skyrocket Your Etsy Conversion Rate πŸ™ŒπŸ»

Click the button below and save your seat! 



Business is supposed to be easy, it really is. If your business is not feeling in flow or easy to you right now, there is something wrong, and I don't want you to use Etsy SEO or the Etsy algorithm as an excuse here. 

You may have wondered why the most successful Etsy shops don't have perfect SEO, and here's 3 reasons why:

  1. They own their brand.
    They don't just build an Etsy shop, they build a brand. This is something we teach you all about in HBSA 
  2. They KNOW who their target market is.
    Like, truly know them inside out. They know what car they drive, what kind of job they have, and what kind of problems they have in their daily life.
  3. They make their products to solve their target markets pain points.
    Because they truly know their target market, they know exactly what pain points they have, and they create products that help their customers to solve their problems.


If you do not understand Etsy SEO, or it isn't working for you right now, it is not a reason for you to sit back and say "well, that's it then. I can't do it so I'm not going to do it". I encourage you to nail those 3 points above, and you will see the difference in your business.


Etsy SEO and algorithms are not a reason to give up. They're not a reason to pivot and change and alter your entire business just so you can create products that are trending right now. 

I want you to create a legacy business. Create a business that you really, really want to do and you're passionate about. Don't create it for algorithms.


If you'd prefer to watch me visually explain this to you, you can watch my YouTube video HERE 


Don't forget to check out more blog posts from Handmade Bosses, and follow us on social media!

> Instagram is where you need to be for top tips, and behind the scenes sneak peeks into how I run my 6 figure business.

> Join THE most supportive Etsy Facebook group there ever was, and connect with motivated, like-minded people.

> YouTube is the place to be for hundreds of super informative videos, packed full of actionable advice. 

> If you're ready to increase your conversion rate on Etsy (NEWS FLASH! This is key to increasing your sales!), then check out my FREE 90 minute masterclass - The 3 Step System To Skyrocket Your Etsy Conversion Rate.

> If you plan to launch (or relaunch) an Etsy shop, then Boss, you need a roadmap! I've created one that will ensure your Etsy store is set up to make those sales in no time. Download the '30 Days To A Kick Butt Etsy Shop Launch Plan' here.