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The world really needs those special creations that only YOU bring to life. So grab your notebook, and let’s grow your business!

How To Make Etsy Products The Right Way

make more sales pricing and financials productivity and time Jan 31, 2023

Today I am going to be talking about how to make more Etsy products in less time.

Now I know you guys have probably heard of the whole thing, that the more listings you have I.E the more products you have the more chances you have of being found in the Etsy search. Now I do agree with this to a certain extent but that doesn't mean you have not be hustle, hustle, hustle, quick, quick, quick trying to make things to fill your Etsy shop.

There is not a specific amount of listings you need to get to before Etsy will show your shop or you will be listed higher, that does NOT exist that is a MYTH. 

Instead today I am going to be sharing some really good tips to show you how to make more Etsy products and listings in less time. 

1. Make Variants Of Your Best Sellers. 

Only make variants of your BEST SELLERS, this is going to ensure you are not going to have empty inventory sat in your shop not doing anything. So only make variants of your best sellers!

Let's say for example you make jewellery and you have a gold heart locket necklace that is doing really really well. Why not make a silver or rose gold  heart locket necklace? But  keep it pretty close to your best sellers. Basically don't deviate from what is already working well for you. 

2 Create Similar Products and Time Block 

Time blocking is such an important thing to do and I like to combine this with batching, so create similar products in one go.

Let's say you are creating gold heart necklaces, just make these for one day and move onto something else the following day. This is really helpful if you have lots of different products in your shop and you find yourself doing everything at the same and bounce from one thing to the next. 

Batch create your products together and give yourself a time limit. If you give yourself a week to make 5 new products, it will take you a week! If you give yourself 24hours to create those same 5 products it will take you 24hours!

So put some good pressure on your brain and time block with a time limit so you can create your products quicker. 

3 Unnecessary Product Creation Steps 

Remove unnecessary steps from the product creation process, if it does NOT affect the use or quality of the item.

Time yourself making your product and split the timer for each section. For example, how long it takes me to find the product idea, to do keyword research, to make the chain, to make the locket and so on. Literally time block it out and write it down and see what you can get rid of that is NOT going to affect the quality or the use of the product.

I honestly believe every single one of you could cut your creation process down by at least 15% and honestly the is the customer going to notice? Probably not! So if there are any steps you can cut out without affecting the use or the quality, make sure you go and do that!

BOSS! Do you want to make more sales on Etsy? Then you need to increase your conversion rate! DON'T PANIC! I'm going to explain exactly how to do that in my FREE 90 minute masterclass - The 3 Step System To Skyrocket Your Etsy Conversion Rate πŸ™ŒπŸ»

Click the button below and save your seat!


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4 Outsource Certain Steps 

I know you're probably thinking but Steph nobody can log into my Etsy shop, nobody is allowed to because of the whole IP address thing! Thats fine, all I'm talking about is the product creation process. So could you get a local teenager to make up your boxes, or ask a family member to help cut your chain. Any amount of time that you can save is going to help you create MORE products in LESS time.

5 What is the value of your time?

I want you to put a monetary value on the time you spend, so how much do you pay yourself every hour? What is the value of your time here because it might be that you dont need to make more listings but you just need to make more profit from your time and from your listings.

How can you increase profit? It might be that you're wanting to make more products to make more profit in your Etsy shop but you're thinking the only way for me to grow is to make! But not necessarily, by putting a dollar value or a pound value on your time you can actually see where that time is going. 



If you'd prefer me to visually teach you this blog post, then you can watch it HERE.

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> YouTube is the place to be for hundreds of super informative videos, packed full of actionable advice. 

> If you're ready to increase your conversion rate on Etsy (NEWS FLASH! This is key to increasing your sales!), then check out my FREE 90 minute masterclass

> If you plan to launch (or relaunch) an Etsy shop, then Boss, you need a roadmap! I've created one that will ensure your Etsy store is set up to make those sales in no time. Download the '30 Days To A Kick Butt Etsy Shop Launch Plan' here.