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Top 5 Handmade Business Tools for Etsy Sellers & Creative Makers

technology to grow your business Mar 28, 2023

Today I am going to be talking about my top 5 handmade business tools, this is a mixture of free and paid tools, this is just my opinion and is not sponsored by anybody.

This is my opinion on the top 5 Handmade Business Tools. 


I love ERANK because it is so much more than just an SEO tool. It is honestly one of my top most visited Etsy tools for my handmade business and honestly they do a lot more, like your rank checker, the trend report, they have the keyword tools, they have competition checker and guys I literally use the free account for like 90% of the time and I upgrade when I am doing a big upload of new listings, so I get a bigger allowance for the keyword tool. Honestly I really feel this is the best SEO tool out there, I have tried others as well and I feel this is one of the best. 

BOSS! Do you want to make more sales on Etsy? Then you need to increase your conversion rate! DON'T PANIC! I'm going to explain exactly how to do that in my FREE 90 minute masterclass - The 3 Step System To Skyrocket Your Etsy Conversion Rate πŸ™ŒπŸ»

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 2. Answer The Public

Not really a handmade business tool but it is something I really love to do to get social media marketing ideas. It is basically a big list of questions that people asked based around what you are searching for in the search box.

So if you're selling jewellery just as an example like I do you can just type in jewellery and it will come up with all the different jewellery questions that people have asked that you can answer in your social media content, your blog content, videos if you do them anything along those lines, It just makes you be a little more relevant and up to date with what your target market wants to hear from you rather than you just guessing.

I use Answer The Public a lot and they do have a free plan where you can do a limited amount of searches per day. I've never paid to upgrade this but I really do feel its the best and most easiest way for you guys to find what your target audience are searching for online.  


The reason why I love this is because it makes changing your listing images just so so easy. This is the main reason why I use it but it also does a find and replace option for your descriptions, titles and tags which I have used in the past. Really great for doing things like replacing Christmas keywords, valentines keywords, mothers day keywords. Its just so super quick when it comes to the seasonal shopping times of year. I also love it because like I said you can change your listing images so so quick, say image 10 is your last posting date I can quickly swap that out or just remove it if I want to, It just makes updating listings so much easier.

4. Shopify

I love Shopify, I guess it is classed as a tool, but it is the place where I recommend all of the bosses if you want your own website.You guessed it I have videos on my YouTube Channel, talking about the pro's and con's of having your own website, Etsy v's Shopify.

It is my absolutely favourite place to start an e-commerce website you can set your website up and have it running in 48 hours. I wholeheartedly stand by Shopify if you're looking to have your own website it is the best tool out there, especially if you're not tech savvy or you just want to save yourself some time and get the thing up and running. They have apps you can add to your shop so you can really get in there and customise your brand in a really quick and easy way. Also Shopify makes it easy for you to have a blog, to make it SEO friendly and do lots of good stuff to do with your shop to make it discoverable on Google. 

5.Google Shopping Trends 

This is completely free and is a little known tool. Most people go directly to Google Trends and literally every time I have done this it is Kim Kardashian, Chloe Kardashian and Kanye West and that's not going to help us as business owners is it? So this is why I love Google Shopping Trends.

You can go on there and see what people have been searching for in your target market, in your niche, you can see what trending categories there are, what key words they are using. I have been using this tool a lot, especially as I have been ranking up production again in my own Etsy shop, that is where I am going to find the biggest trends, lets be honest on the biggest search engine in the world!

If you'd prefer me to visually teach you this blog post, then you can watch it HERE.

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> If you're ready to increase your conversion rate on Etsy (NEWS FLASH! This is key to increasing your sales!), then check out my FREE 90 minute masterclass - The 3 Step System To Skyrocket Your Etsy Conversion Rate.

> If you plan to launch (or relaunch) an Etsy shop, then Boss, you need a roadmap! I've created one that will ensure your Etsy store is set up to make those sales in no time. Download the '30 Days To A Kick Butt Etsy Shop Launch Plan' here.